Andrew Diacopoulos successfully defends his Notts Amateur title with victory over Keith Holgate

Andrew Diacopoulos successfully defends his Notts Amateur title with victory over Keith Holgate

Andrew Diacopoulos has won the Notts Amateur Snooker Championship after securing a 4-2 victory over Keith Holgate on Friday evening. It’s a third Notts Amateur title for Andrew who also won it last season and in 2014.

The final was played at Arnold Civil Defence and was refereed by Peter Ogburn. The scorer was Paul Wainwirght who also compiled the following match report.

Frame 1 – Andrew 56-55 Keith

Andy had 34 to steal the frame

Frame 2 – Andrew 20-61 Keith

Keith went 50 up, Andy struggled to take a couple of chances, then left the final red over the bag for Keith who potted it. He missed the green and Andy conceded.

Frame 3 – Andrew 32-78 Keith

Keith went 32 up then fouled. Andy got to 20 behind. Then Andy played a long red which rattled, went along the cushion, hit a red and knocked it in. He missed a long pink and Keith cleared with a 26.

Frame 4 – Andrew 76-25 Keith

Keith went 21 up, Andy potted a long red and feathered the white. Keith put Andy back in Andy cleared up with 75 break to level the match at 2-2.

Frame 5 – Andrew 82-51 Keith

Andy broke down on 35. Keith had run of 15. Andy left Keith again and he was now 6 points behind with 2 reds left. Keith mis-hit a safety and Andy played safe tucking Keith up behind the black on side rail. Andy had a free ball and made 5. Andy 15 points up pots a nice red, pots a superb pink off the rail then snookers Keith 22 up 35 left. Keith fouled and gave Andy 7 points, Andy put Keith back and Keith fouled 4. Andy now leads 63 to 30 with 35 left. A brief safety exchange and Keith gets a snooker. Andy gives 8 points away so Andy now leads by 25 with 35 left. Andy pots a long red, then blue in baulk, pots yellow over the bag but snookers himself on the green and fouls. Andy now leads by 27 with 25 on. Keith pots the green and brown and snookers Andy on the blue behind the black near the blue spot. Andy pots blue and pink to take the frame and lead 3-2.

Frame 6 – Andrew 82-0 Keith

Keith breaks off and Andy pots a long red and tickles up behind the brown. Andy pots a red then miscues on the black. Keith plays safe and Andy knocks in a mid-range red, then he pots red, black, red, blue, goes into the pack then makes a break of 76 breaking down on position but retaining his title 4-2.

Prize Money & Trophies

Winner: £200 + Trophy
Runner-up: £100 + Trophy
Losing semi-finalists: £50
Losing quarter-finalists: £25

Results from earlier rounds


  1. Andrew Diacopoulos 3-0 Richard Wheelhouse (Dec 14)
  2. Nav Hussain 0-3 Keith Holgate (Dec 16)


  1. Andrew Diacopoulos 3-1 Guy Dennis (Nov 24)
  2. Cary Davies 1-3 Keith Holgate (Nov 23)
  3. Richard Wheelhouse 3-0 Terry Dowson (Nov 13)
  4. Nav Hussain 4-1 Audie Miller (Nov 12)

Last 16

  1. Richard Wheelhouse 3-0 Gavin Shirley (Oct 30)
  2. Steve Donner scr-w/o Andrew Diacopoulos
  3. Ben Cooper 0-3 Keith Holgate (Nov 9)
  4. John Fountain 2-3 Nav Hussain (Oct 29)
  5. Chris Winter 2-3 Cary Davies (Nov 9)
  6. Gary Spencer 1-3 Terry Dowson (Oct 25)
  7. Mark Taylor 0-3 Audie Miller (Nov 5)
  8. Guy Dennis 4-3 Dave Bolton (Nov 1)

Last 32

  1. Nick Sharp 0-3 John Fountain (Oct 11)
  2. Terry Dowson 3-1 Alan Caulton (Oct 9)
  3. Selina Dean 0-4 Cary Davies (Oct 11)
  4. Nav Hussain 4-0 Patrick Hort (Oct 14)
  5. Martin Conway 2-4 Gavin Shirley (Oct 18)
  6. Moe Anyanwu 1-4 Gary Spencer (Oct 10)
  7. Jim Harrison 1-3 Guy Dennis (Oct 14)
  8. Ben Monk 0-3 Chris Winter (Oct 19)
  9. Audie Miller 4-1 Ben Green (Oct 14)
  10. Andrew Diacopoulos 3-2 Adam Hussain (Oct 4)
  11. Steven Hughes 0-3 Dave Bolton (Oct 12)
  12. Keith Holgate 3-0 Wayne Martin (Oct 19)
  13. Keith Waterhouse 2-3 Mark Taylor (Oct 3)
  14. Patrick Ashurst 2-3 Steve Donner (Oct 12)
  15. Ben Cooper 3-1 John Forbes (Oct 5)
  16. Manfred Corbin 0-3 Richard Wheelhouse (Oct 17)

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