Knockout Cup – Quarter-Final Results

Knockout Cup – Quarter-Final Results

Monday Team League

This week saw the return of the Knockout Cup competition and the quarter finals of this years competition.

BCI B 3 – 0 Triple S

BCI B produced the biggest shock of the week in their defeat of title and cup favourites Triple S.

Paul Wainwright Senior and Shawn Kilkie winning their singles games over county players Tony Morgan and Dave Bolton, respectively.

Paul Broad and Liam Morrisey then putting the final nail in the coffin with a scotch pairs frame win that puts them through to the semi-finals.

Lenton Liberal 4 -1 Carlton A

League leaders Lenton again producing the goods in defeating Carlton A on their way to the semi-finals.

Phil Connolly, Danial Kamran, and Jon Shapland all winning their singles games for Lenton.

James Baillie and Kev Barlow winning the pairs frame for Carlton A.

Spot On Hucknall 3-2 Carlton B

Spot on Hucknall narrowly getting the better of Carlton B in a final frame decider that moves them to the semi-finals.

Carlton B getting off to a great start with Dan Di Folco winning his singles and then teaming up with Rob Walker in winning the scotch pairs to put Carlton B 2-1 up and only needing one frame for victory.

Hucknall are made from stern stuff though and back they came with wins from Daz Clarke and Wayne Martin to progress to the next round.

BCI Hotshots 2-3 The Venue

The Venue also coming through this close tie with a deciding frame victory to progress to the semi-finals.

The Venue started things off well by going 2 nil up by singles wins from Andy Wain and Don Merry.

Back came the BCI team though with a great win from Tony Collins and then the pairing of Collins and Kwok Yip to take this down to the wire.

However, it was The Venues Don Merry that won the decider against Josh Morley and ended BCI hopes.

Josh Morley did have the highest break of the night. A great 30 break against Andy Wain.

Back to the league next week and some major fixtures.

Weekly report courtesy of Wayne Martin (League Organiser)

Match Results

Full Fixture List

(type your team’s name in the search box to only show your fixtures)

DateHome TeamAway Team
02/10/2023BlankThe Venue
02/10/2023BCI BSpot on Hucknall
02/10/2023Triple S BCI AJ
02/10/2023BCI Hot ShotsCarlton Liberal Club A
02/10/2023The Towers Lenton Liberal Club
09/10/2023BCI AJBCI Hot Shots
09/10/2023Carlton Liberal Club AThe Venue
09/10/2023Lenton Liberal ClubBlank
09/10/2023BCI BTriple S
09/10/2023Spot On HucknallThe Towers
16/10/2023KO Cup: The TowersKO Cup: BCI Hot Shots
16/10/2023KO Cup: BCI AJKO Cup: Lenton Liberal Club
16/10/2023KO CupKO Cup
16/10/2023KO CupKO Cup
16/10/2023KO CupKO Cup
23/10/2023The VenueBCI AJ
23/10/2023BlankCarlton Liberal Club A
23/10/2023Triple S The Towers
23/10/2023BCI Hot ShotsBCI B
23/10/2023Lenton Liberal ClubSpot On Hucknall
30/10/2023BCI BThe Venue
30/10/2023Lenton Liberal ClubTriple S
30/10/2023Spot On HucknallBlank
30/10/2023BCI AJCarlton Liberal Club A
30/10/2023The TowersBCI Hot Shots
06/11/2023KO CupKO Cup
06/11/2023KO CupKO Cup
06/11/2023KO CupKO Cup
06/11/2023KO CupKO Cup
06/11/2023KO CupKO Cup
13/11/2023BCI AJBlank
13/11/2023Carlton Liberal Club ABCI B
13/11/2023BCI Hot ShotsLenton Liberal Club
13/11/2023Triple SSpot On Hucknall
13/11/2023The VenueThe Towers
20/11/2023Lenton Liberal ClubThe Venue
20/11/2023Spot On HucknallBCI Hot Shots
20/11/2023Triple S Blank
20/11/2023The TowersCarlton Liberal Club A
20/11/2023BCI BBCI AJ
27/11/2023The VenueSpot On Hucknall
27/11/2023BCI Hot ShotsTriple S
27/11/2023BCI AJThe Towers
27/11/2023Carlton Liberal Club ALenton Liberal Club
27/11/2023BCI BBlank
04/12/2023Spot On HucknallCarlton Liberal Club A
04/12/2023Triple SThe Venue
04/12/2023BCI Hot ShotsBlank
04/12/2023Lenton Liberal ClubBCI AJ
04/12/2023The TowersBCI B
11/12/2023The VenueBCI Hot Shots
11/12/2023The TowersBlank
11/12/2023Carlton Liberal Club ATriple S
11/12/2023BCI BLenton Liberal Club
11/12/2023BCI AJSpot On Hucknall
18/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
18/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
18/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
18/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
18/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
25/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
25/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
25/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
25/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
25/12/2023Xmas HolsXmas Hols
01/01/2024Xmas HolsXmas Hols
01/01/2024Xmas HolsXmas Hols
01/01/2024Xmas HolsXmas Hols
01/01/2024Xmas HolsXmas Hols
01/01/2024Xmas HolsXmas Hols
08/01/2024The VenueBlank
08/01/2024Spot on HucknallBCI B
08/01/2024BCI AJTriple S
08/01/2024Carlton Liberal Club ABCI Hot Shots
08/01/2024Lenton Liberal ClubThe Towers
15/01/2024BCI Hot ShotsBCI AJ
15/01/2024The VenueCarlton Liberal Club A
15/01/2024BlankLenton Liberal Club
15/01/2024Triple SBCI B
15/01/2024The TowersSpot On Hucknall
22/01/2024KO CupKO Cup
22/01/2024KO CupKO Cup
22/01/2024KO CupKO Cup
22/01/2024KO CupKO Cup
22/01/2024KO CupKO Cup
29/01/2024BCI AJThe Venue
29/01/2024Carlton Liberal Club ABlank
29/01/2024The TowersTriple S
29/01/2024BCI BBCI Hot Shots
29/01/2024Spot On HucknallLenton Liberal Club
05/02/2024The VenueBCI B
05/02/2024Triple SLenton Liberal Club
05/02/2024BlankSpot On Hucknall
05/02/2024Carlton Liberal Club ABCI AJ
05/02/2024BCI Hot ShotsThe Towers
12/02/2024BlankBCI AJ
12/02/2024BCI BCarlton Liberal Club A
12/02/2024Lenton Liberal ClubBCI Hot Shots
12/02/2024Spot On HucknallTriple S
12/02/2024The TowersThe Venue
19/02/2024The VenueLenton Liberal Club
19/02/2024BCI Hot ShotsSpot On Hucknall
19/02/2024BlankTriple S
19/02/2024Carlton Liberal Club AThe Towers
19/02/2024BCI AJBCI B
26/02/2024Spot On HucknallThe Venue
26/02/2024Triple SBCI Hot Shots
26/02/2024The TowersBCI AJ
26/02/2024Lenton Liberal ClubCarlton Liberal Club A
26/02/2024BlankBCI B
04/03/2024Carlton Liberal Club ASpot On Hucknall
04/03/2024The VenueTriple S
04/03/2024BlankBCI Hot Shots
04/03/2024BCI AJLenton Liberal Club
04/03/2024BCI BThe Towers
11/03/2024BCI Hot ShotsThe Venue
11/03/2024BlankThe Towers
11/03/2024Triple SCarlton Liberal Club A
11/03/2024Lenton Liberal ClubBCI B
11/03/2024Spot On HucknallBCI AJ
18/03/2024KO CupKO Cup
18/03/2024KO CupKO Cup
18/03/2024KO CupKO Cup
18/03/2024KO CupKO Cup
18/03/2024KO CupKO Cup

Participating Venues

BCI Snooker Centre
Vere Street, Bulwell, NG6 8YL
Teams: “BCI AJ”, “BCI B”, “BCI Hot Shots”

Carlton & District Liberal Club
21 Burton Road, Carlton, NG4 3DT
Team: “Carlton Liberal Club A”, “Carlton Liberal Club B”

Lenton Liberal Club
18 Osmaston Street, Lenton, NG7 1SD
Team: “Lenton Liberal Club”

Spot On
Vine Terrace, Hucknall, NG15 7HN
Team: “Spot On Hucknall”

The Venue
Kirklington Road, Rainworth, Mansfield, NG21 0JY
Team: “The Venue”

The Towers Snooker Club
Botany Avenue, Mansfield, NG18 5NG
Team: “The Towers”

Triple S Snooker & Social Club
Mansfield Road, Skegby, NG17 3EF
Team: “Triple S”

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