Jim Harrison wins the Summer Team League Singles KO

Jim Harrison (£40) defeated Wayne Martin (£20) 3-1 in the final of the 2024 Summer Team League Singles KO tournament. Jim made the highest break of the match, a knock of 46 in the second frame.
Frame scores (Jim first)
62-27, 60(46)-21, 16-50, 63-18
- Lea Bradshaw (0) 2-3 Wayne Martin (-28) (July 31)
- Jim Harrison (-28) 2-1 Ashley Field (7) (July 21)
- Jacob Reynolds (14) 0-3 Wayne Martin (-28) (July 10)
- Lea Bradshaw (0) 2-0 Patrick Ashurst (-21) (July 10)
- Rhys Coleman (0) 1-2 Ashley Field (7) (July 6)
- Robert Garratt (7) scr-w/o Jim Harrison (-28)
Preliminary Round
- Mick Garratt (7) 1-2 Lea Bradshaw (0) (June 23)
- Ashley Field (7) 2-0 Gary Spencer (-7) (June 13)
- Rhys Coleman (0) 3-1 Danial Kamran (14) (June 9)
- Wayne Martin (-28) 2-0 Jon Shapland (7) (June 23)
- Cary Davies (-7) 3-4 Robert Garratt (7) (June 11)
- Patrick Ashurst (-21) 3-1 Kevin Barlow (7) (June 13)