Challenge Ladder 2023/24

Challenge Ladder 2023/24

The Challenge Ladder reached its conclusion recently and for the first time since its inception it was split into two Ladders, a Gold Ladder for the stronger players and a Silver Ladder for the less skilled players.

Below is a summary showing the key achievements on both Ladders.

Steve Butler
Nottingham Snooker Tournament Director

Gold Ladder


First place: Dave Bolton

Highest Win %: Dave Bolton & Wayne Martin (89%)

Highest climber: Wayne Martin (+22)

Most matches played: Ben Green (13)

Most days at the top: Tony Morgan (63)

Highest break: Wayne Martin (76)

How the Ladder looked when it concluded on 18 February 2024

Prize Money

Dave Bolton £80
Andrew Diacopoulos £70
Wayne Martin £60
Nav Hussain £50
Tony Morgan £40
Keith Holgate £30
Moe Anyanwu £20
Antony Moore £10

Silver Ladder


First place: Alan Caulton

Highest Win %: Alan Caulton (100%)

Highest climber: Robert Garratt (+34)

Most matches played: Mick Garratt (16)

Most days at the top: Alan Caulton (81)

Highest break: Andy Wright (64)

How the Ladder looked when it concluded on 21 February 2024

Prize Money

Alan Caulton £40
Kevin Barlow £35
Lee Thorn £30
Robert Garratt £25
Steve D’Arcy £20
Shane Fella £15
Jon Shapland £10
Jordan Parnham £5

Ladder Tracker

All results for this season and all previous seasons can be found on the Ladder Tracker.

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